About Gloria Grace
The story I am about to share is compelling with intimate details of one soul’s journey in a single lifetime. But it is shared to inspire all those who can identify with the spiritual search that is so familiar to lightworker volunteers who are here in service to the planet as she evolves into a new consciousness.
The path of awakening is one of challenges, courage, and commitment. But we do not have to do it alone…we can have support and guidance along the way.
The spiritual path has in this lifetime called me forth to experience life and a multitude of cultures on four continents…North America, Southeast Asia, Europe, and now Australia.
My Early Life
The first few decades of my life…no matter where I traveled, or where I lived and worked, I never felt at home, never seemed to fit in, never felt settled…I was always searching, searching for inner peace and relief from the trauma of my childhood, where both my parents were suicidal and bipolar. I also experienced sexual abuse by my stepfather from the age of six and did not know anything about my biological father until my mother finally told me the year before she died about my being conceived in Tokyo when she was stationed there in the army during the Korean Conflict.
It would take another 20 years to unravel the true identity of my real Italian American father and to connect with his family, but that is another amazing story for another time.
With an inner knowing, on some deeper level, I persevered and felt if I was going to survive, I needed to leave Ohio and my dysfunctional family far behind. At the age of 23 I took the leap, married an Iban man from Borneo I had met at university, and at 25 launched my career as a classroom teacher and children’s theatre director for two international schools in Malaysia, as well as gave birth to a beautiful daughter.
It would take another 20 years to unravel the true identity of my real Italian American father and to connect with his family, but that is another amazing story for another time.
With an inner knowing, on some deeper level, I persevered and felt if I was going to survive, I needed to leave Ohio and my dysfunctional family far behind. At the age of 23 I took the leap, married an Iban man from Borneo I had met at university, and at 25 launched my career as a classroom teacher and children’s theatre director for two international schools in Malaysia, as well as gave birth to a beautiful daughter.
Beginning My Spiritual Journey
Fast forward ten years, when a second marriage dissolved and I became ill, I discovered Reiki Healing and AVATAR, an intensive consciousness expanding course. I became aware of past lives, especially the traumatic ones, and this began my commitment to learn all I could about healing modalities of every kind. I started in my spare time to facilitate Reiki healing sessions and knew that my life was being steered in new directions.
I became a devoted student of Ascension Studies as well taking every course I could for five years studying the books of Joshua David Stone with my teacher/channel, Shamala, of Singapore. I was grateful for the opportunity to delve into all my existential questions of life.
I became a devoted student of Ascension Studies as well taking every course I could for five years studying the books of Joshua David Stone with my teacher/channel, Shamala, of Singapore. I was grateful for the opportunity to delve into all my existential questions of life.
Further Awakening
So many of my Reiki Healing experiences blasted open the spiritual portal for me into an entirely new realm of intuition and insight. I could not have predicted that within a few short years Spirit would guide me to leave a life I had known for 27 years and migrate to Australia and set up a succession of Healing Centres teaching Reiki Level I and II courses, facilitating Healing Circles and holding Meditation and Ascension Classes.
I also became involved in the World Peace Prayer Society which has its headquarters at the base of Mt Fuji in Japan and began hosting annual Peace Prayer Ceremonies. Performing sacred music and facilitating spiritual gatherings became an important part of my life and my healing centres.
I also became involved in the World Peace Prayer Society which has its headquarters at the base of Mt Fuji in Japan and began hosting annual Peace Prayer Ceremonies. Performing sacred music and facilitating spiritual gatherings became an important part of my life and my healing centres.
My Move to Melbourne, Australia
The next level of my evolution and spiritual growth moved me to Melbourne and I set up the Heartlight Centre for Conscious Living there as well as continuing my training in Educational Kinesiology & Touch for Health, Past Life Regression Training, and becoming a certified Hypnotherapist, NLP Coach, Timeline Therapy Practitioner, Adamantine System Therapist, Angel Intuitive, a Feng Shui Practitioner and a student of Brandon Bays’ Journey Process, which represented for me another form of hypnosis as a healing modality.
But my journey continued as I searched for a deeper understanding of a world that experienced so much suffering, so much violence and conflict, so much separation consciousness, and ignorance…I wanted to also understand why after so much learning, training, and spiritual practice, I still had such big questions for God such as…
But my journey continued as I searched for a deeper understanding of a world that experienced so much suffering, so much violence and conflict, so much separation consciousness, and ignorance…I wanted to also understand why after so much learning, training, and spiritual practice, I still had such big questions for God such as…
Why had Creation been set up this way?
I looked for answers from so many teachers… Sylvia Brown, Louise Hay, Carolyn Myss, Neale Donald Walsch, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Joshua David Stone, Eckhart Tolle, Brandon Bays, Byron Katie, Barbara MacGregor, Michael Beckworth, Masami Saionji, Marianne Williamson, Colin Tipping, Drumvalo Melchizedek, Esther Hicks/Abraham, Diana Cooper and Patricia Cota-Robles. I have also been a student of the Course in Miracles for 25 years, a course of study channelled through Helen Schucman, from Jesus (Yeshua ben Joseph).
Discovering Quantum Healing
But somewhere along the way I heard of Delores Cannon and her Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) and was fascinated with her 40-year career, books, and videos. I came very close to training with her when she last came out to Australia to teach QHHT. I was not able to get to Sydney for the course and missed the chance to meet her in person.
The Pandemic Global "Pause"
So that might be the end of that thread of the story except for the pandemic global “pause.” During the past 18 months many of us have had more time than ever to explore almost anything we wanted to online…and once again Spirit guided me back to the books, YouTube videos and websites for Delores Cannon and her work. I was so impressed with what I was learning, and I especially resonated with her descriptions of the Three Waves of Volunteers who have incarnated at this time of Earth’s history as Lightworkers…here to assist by raising the vibration of the planet as she shifts into the next level of evolution and consciousness.
And then I decided it was time to have an actual QHHT session with a lovely practitioner near my home. During the hypnosis part of the session I personally experienced such a direct and profound connection with my I AM Presence/Higher Self that my life has not been the same since. The sacred wisdom that came through was able to clear for me some final layers of remorse and trauma I have held onto for lifetimes related to lives I have lived during the time of Lemuria, Atlantis, and with Yeshua ben Joseph (Jesus). It was so healing and liberating!
And then I decided it was time to have an actual QHHT session with a lovely practitioner near my home. During the hypnosis part of the session I personally experienced such a direct and profound connection with my I AM Presence/Higher Self that my life has not been the same since. The sacred wisdom that came through was able to clear for me some final layers of remorse and trauma I have held onto for lifetimes related to lives I have lived during the time of Lemuria, Atlantis, and with Yeshua ben Joseph (Jesus). It was so healing and liberating!
Heartlight Quantum Healing
I realized that I needed to integrate this healing work into my own Heartlight Healing modalities because it is some of the most important work to be done at the moment. I did some research on my desire to train in Quantum Healing and chose to do the online training for Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH), which was founded by Candace Craw-Goldman.
Even though I have been a Holistic Therapist for more than 20 years, I was drawn to this version of Quantum Healing because Candace has developed an approach that allows experienced practitioners to integrate their expertise into BQH, while keeping the integrity of the system intact. Now I offer Heartlight Quantum Healing and I am grateful for the work of both Delores Cannon and Candace Craw-Goldman and for their contributions to the field of hypnosis therapy and the exploration of consciousness and multi-dimensional reality (the Quantum Field).
Even though I have been a Holistic Therapist for more than 20 years, I was drawn to this version of Quantum Healing because Candace has developed an approach that allows experienced practitioners to integrate their expertise into BQH, while keeping the integrity of the system intact. Now I offer Heartlight Quantum Healing and I am grateful for the work of both Delores Cannon and Candace Craw-Goldman and for their contributions to the field of hypnosis therapy and the exploration of consciousness and multi-dimensional reality (the Quantum Field).
The New Earth Guides
And finally, within these last two years, I have been gifted with a wonderful new connection beyond my Heartlight Team of Angels and Guides. I now am a channel for the New Earth Guides as well. Their guidance and wisdom will be available through the Ascension Classes, Workshops, and Webinars as well as this website whenever the energies come through.
Let the light of your heart lead you home,
Let the light of your heart lead you home,
Gloria Grace Wallace
Quantum Healing and Hypnosis Practitioner, Holistic Therapist, Conscious Living Coach, Channel, Timeline Healer, Reiki Master/Teacher,
Ascension & Meditation Teacher, First Wave Lightworker, Sacred Musician & Dance Leader, Ecumenical Minister and Unity Chaplain
Message from the New Earth Guides
(channelled through Gloria Grace)
Beloved Ones...this is your time… this is your place. You chose to be here, incarnated on Earth, whether you remember this decision or not. You stood in line for the precious opportunity to be embodied during this Shift of the Ages, for Humanity’s Shift in Consciousness, and for the New Earth’s Ascension onto the next level of the Spiral of Evolution...
You are ascending with Mother Earth!
Now is the time to return to being your authentic self...whole, healed, open-hearted, and willing to be of service to others. Humanity is moving towards Oneness and Unity Consciousness and by shining your light you will be anchoring Heaven on Earth. You are loved. You are cherished. You are supported. And you are guided. We are always with you. Blessings and Namaste.
You are ascending with Mother Earth!
Now is the time to return to being your authentic self...whole, healed, open-hearted, and willing to be of service to others. Humanity is moving towards Oneness and Unity Consciousness and by shining your light you will be anchoring Heaven on Earth. You are loved. You are cherished. You are supported. And you are guided. We are always with you. Blessings and Namaste.