Testimonials of Healing & Transformation
You are here for a reason and everything you need to accomplish your purpose and reason for being is already within you. All you have to do is remember.
Patricia Cota-Robles, Who Am I? Why Am I Here?
Life Coaching & Soul Support
Every time I have a session with Gloria, I think this is what I need to heal. But it turns out, that there are always more things that I need to deal with first, because they are the real root causes and Gloria helps me understand this. I love that she is always able to find my strange belief patterns that are not helping me and then she enables me to let go of them.
Thanks so much!!
Thanks so much!!
I appreciate my sessions with Gloria as she has given me the tools to add focus and clarity to my days / life. She also provides accountability and support with judgement free feedback. I have learnt techniques to help me better manage my day-to-day interactions with customers as well as having a stronger and more communicative relationship with my daughter.
Thank you, Gloria, for your wisdom and guidance in my journey.
Jason Weepers
Gloria has helped me make big differences in my life and has helped me bring more joy into it.
When I first met her, I was feeling quite trapped and unable to move in my career and life. After our first few meetings, I actually got a new job even though I had been trying by myself for nearly three years! I think her support and her coaching in how to listen more deeply to my heart and give space to abundance in my life, played a huge role in the changes that occurred.
Meeting with her regularly and checking in with my heart, and how I might be limiting myself, helped me lift my energy, positivity, creativity, and outlook.
Practicing gratitude, and learning what I need to thrive, has meant that every day as well as the future look brighter. I am very grateful to her for her wisdom, love and energy that she radiates, for her support, and also her ability to talk in a direct way to me when needed.
Thank you so much, Gloria
Leonie Goodwin
“She came into my life, gently picked me up from the gutter, reminded me of who I was and how to love myself again.”
My husband and I first met Gloria six years ago when we were needing some marriage support. She helped guide us to a place of being able to find more peace and happiness in our relationship with each other. Gloria also provided us with some great strategies and tools about how to negotiate together as a couple and take the time to care for ourselves.
I also had the opportunity to work with Gloria on my own. She came into my life when I was feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, disorientated and suffering depression. I may have been functioning every day but I was riddled with self-doubt and inner conflict. Gloria helped me unpack the stories “about stuff” that I had never made peace with and unable to move on from. She reminded me about the beauty of life and how important a part gratitude, kindness, empathy, compassion and forgiveness play in everyday life. Gloria provided me a safe place to talk freely and without judgement and helped frame things in a different way that I had not heard before. She has such clarity about how to navigate the sessions that I always came away feeling lighter and clearer about how to move forward with my life and as a couple in a positive way. The most important gift Gloria gave me is the ability to find more inner peace, accept myself for who I am, and that, I AM WORTHY.
Thank you, Gloria Grace.
My husband and I first met Gloria six years ago when we were needing some marriage support. She helped guide us to a place of being able to find more peace and happiness in our relationship with each other. Gloria also provided us with some great strategies and tools about how to negotiate together as a couple and take the time to care for ourselves.
I also had the opportunity to work with Gloria on my own. She came into my life when I was feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, disorientated and suffering depression. I may have been functioning every day but I was riddled with self-doubt and inner conflict. Gloria helped me unpack the stories “about stuff” that I had never made peace with and unable to move on from. She reminded me about the beauty of life and how important a part gratitude, kindness, empathy, compassion and forgiveness play in everyday life. Gloria provided me a safe place to talk freely and without judgement and helped frame things in a different way that I had not heard before. She has such clarity about how to navigate the sessions that I always came away feeling lighter and clearer about how to move forward with my life and as a couple in a positive way. The most important gift Gloria gave me is the ability to find more inner peace, accept myself for who I am, and that, I AM WORTHY.
Thank you, Gloria Grace.
Gloria, my saving, Grace. When I started my journey with Gloria Grace, I did not understand why I was attracting toxic relationships, enduring bad behaviours from others, and having rocky relationships with my parents and sibling. There had to be another way.
When I first walked up to Gloria’s door my initial words to her were, “I want you to help me check out of this world, I’ve had enough.” She smiled and said, “Come in.” Now six years later, I am so grateful to be experiencing life in this human form. My work with Gloria has certainly changed my whole outlook on life. Gloria has provided me with amazing strategies to use when something arises within me to address and she is always there when I cannot work it out myself or need a little tune up. I had been to other counsellors and psychologists but there is no comparison with the Heartlight inner work. Gloria helped me to understand why I was attracting the same patterns over and over again. Through the Heartlight healing, practices and strategies I learned about self love, self worth, spiritual values, how to set healthy boundaries and repair relationships.
I faced my fears. I gained courage. I took responsibility for my life and learnt “we teach others how to treat us.” The knowledge I have gained has been life changing. The work can be hard at times. To truly face yourself and to be totally honest with yourself can be confronting but the rewards far outweigh hanging onto the pain, shame and guilt. Gloria’s techniques are truly unique. She goes back to your childhood to see where the trauma/belief was instilled in you. She asks questions and rephrases them until the light bulb in your mind goes on and you understand. She assists you with unpacking whatever is unsettling you so you can be free.
The Heartlight Deeper Process of cutting cords by tapping into your three minds (superconscious, conscious, and subconscious) is like nothing you will have ever experienced before. It is as though everything deep within you comes together and clicks into place and then you are able to let go of whatever is required to release at the time. If you are ready, your journey with Gloria will be the best thing you have ever done for yourself. It has been the best experience of my life. Forever blessed and grateful,
When I first walked up to Gloria’s door my initial words to her were, “I want you to help me check out of this world, I’ve had enough.” She smiled and said, “Come in.” Now six years later, I am so grateful to be experiencing life in this human form. My work with Gloria has certainly changed my whole outlook on life. Gloria has provided me with amazing strategies to use when something arises within me to address and she is always there when I cannot work it out myself or need a little tune up. I had been to other counsellors and psychologists but there is no comparison with the Heartlight inner work. Gloria helped me to understand why I was attracting the same patterns over and over again. Through the Heartlight healing, practices and strategies I learned about self love, self worth, spiritual values, how to set healthy boundaries and repair relationships.
I faced my fears. I gained courage. I took responsibility for my life and learnt “we teach others how to treat us.” The knowledge I have gained has been life changing. The work can be hard at times. To truly face yourself and to be totally honest with yourself can be confronting but the rewards far outweigh hanging onto the pain, shame and guilt. Gloria’s techniques are truly unique. She goes back to your childhood to see where the trauma/belief was instilled in you. She asks questions and rephrases them until the light bulb in your mind goes on and you understand. She assists you with unpacking whatever is unsettling you so you can be free.
The Heartlight Deeper Process of cutting cords by tapping into your three minds (superconscious, conscious, and subconscious) is like nothing you will have ever experienced before. It is as though everything deep within you comes together and clicks into place and then you are able to let go of whatever is required to release at the time. If you are ready, your journey with Gloria will be the best thing you have ever done for yourself. It has been the best experience of my life. Forever blessed and grateful,
Yasmin Crampton
Client/Patient/Student of Gloria Grace Wallace
“Forgive others and forgive yourself.To forgive is not a weakness, to forgive is to set yourself free.”
Heartlight Quantum Healing
Gloria Grace Wallace is a person I have come to know well in several contexts. In all of these, her integrity, leadership and resourcefulness have been inspiring. She has much to offer from her vast training and experience. I chose to have an HQH session quite recently because of the transformative effect I saw in another of her clients.The positive changes I saw--the relaxed demeaner, the new confidence, the enhanced leadership--attracted me to the process.
After the session, I personally felt lighter, breathed deeper more easily, and had a sense that important issues were settled in my psyche. I can recommend a session for anyone willing to go the next step in spiritual and psychological growth. The benefits are hard to predict, but they are inevitable.
After the session, I personally felt lighter, breathed deeper more easily, and had a sense that important issues were settled in my psyche. I can recommend a session for anyone willing to go the next step in spiritual and psychological growth. The benefits are hard to predict, but they are inevitable.
B.A., M. Theology, Interfaith Minister
I had a wonderful and enlightening Quantum Healing session with Gloria. She was full of love, life force, empathy, and openness, checking in frequently to see how I was doing and if certain responses were from my everyday self or my Higher Self.
I was guided to look at my present life through spiritual experiences I had had which I found illuminating.
My experience of a past life and particularly a future life felt authentic. I have been able to take some of that knowledge into my daily meditation sessions and use it as part of my healing journey.
Thank you, Gloria, for enabling me to have such a beautiful experience.
I have had two marvelous heart-centered healing sessions with Gloria. In these sessions I was able to connect to past lifetimes and meet those spirits who guide me. This was invaluable information to move forward in my life: old hang-ups, questions about relationships, future plans were all brilliantly clarified in this HQH work.
Gloria also offers forgiveness work which was very moving and useful. I have a very different view on life now, thanks to Gloria. I found her to be a very caring practitioner with whom I felt 100% safe. The connection we made with the spiritual energies that guide me was truly appreciated. I have had three sessions with other practitioners. In none of them was I so quickly and completely able to access the Divine.
Gloria also offers forgiveness work which was very moving and useful. I have a very different view on life now, thanks to Gloria. I found her to be a very caring practitioner with whom I felt 100% safe. The connection we made with the spiritual energies that guide me was truly appreciated. I have had three sessions with other practitioners. In none of them was I so quickly and completely able to access the Divine.
Dave Johnson
Medium, Shaman, Channel for Man in the Moon & The Council of Eight
Thank you, Gloria Grace, for guiding me safely through my Heartlight Quantum Healing process. I felt gently and lovingly held by you as some deeply buried subjects appeared.
Your compassionate, empathic and non-judgemental manner provided the warmth and protection I needed to know and trust that guidance and divine support were present so we could navigate our way.
At the start my body was tense and braced; when the HQH was finished my body was relaxed, at ease, with a sense of expansion and spaciousness. I experienced an inner sense of peace and harmony, at one with everything. I was surprised to learn how time had passed because I had no sense of time. I felt fulfilled and satisfied that my questions and intentions had been met, had all dissolved. It was an amazingly blissful experience, really very beautiful!
Thank you again in gentle peace and harmony,
At the start my body was tense and braced; when the HQH was finished my body was relaxed, at ease, with a sense of expansion and spaciousness. I experienced an inner sense of peace and harmony, at one with everything. I was surprised to learn how time had passed because I had no sense of time. I felt fulfilled and satisfied that my questions and intentions had been met, had all dissolved. It was an amazingly blissful experience, really very beautiful!
Thank you again in gentle peace and harmony,
Gloria Grace what a blessing it has been to meet you. We've only just begun our journey together, but I want to say that the Heartlight Quantum Healing sessions, so far, have been beautiful.
I love the combination of hypnotherapy, energy healing and deep forgiveness work. It has significantly shifted my mind, heart and soul about my family issues ... the other day I realised that I had not thought about the situation in a negative way (or really at all - to be honest) since we did our last session.
One particularly powerful moment was the visualisation of what I call my 'sphere of awesomeness' ... it has always been a round bubble of preservation ... but it has transmuted into an amazing diamond shape. The other wonderful moment was the revelation from my Higher Self about all of us being a part of the stars, the ocean and the 'Oneness'. That was not a new concept to me, but it has shifted my understanding of everyone in my family, community and the world to an even deeper level. If you're wanting to dive deeper and raise your vibration higher these sessions with Gloria Grace are definitely worth investing in.
I love the combination of hypnotherapy, energy healing and deep forgiveness work. It has significantly shifted my mind, heart and soul about my family issues ... the other day I realised that I had not thought about the situation in a negative way (or really at all - to be honest) since we did our last session.
One particularly powerful moment was the visualisation of what I call my 'sphere of awesomeness' ... it has always been a round bubble of preservation ... but it has transmuted into an amazing diamond shape. The other wonderful moment was the revelation from my Higher Self about all of us being a part of the stars, the ocean and the 'Oneness'. That was not a new concept to me, but it has shifted my understanding of everyone in my family, community and the world to an even deeper level. If you're wanting to dive deeper and raise your vibration higher these sessions with Gloria Grace are definitely worth investing in.
Pip Coleman
Author, Reiki Master Coach, Speaker, Intuitive Interviews, Bowen Therapist (ISBT), Advanced Angel Intuitive, Meditation & Psychic Development Teacher
Gloria Grace’s skills are world class. I have experienced multiple healing modalities with her and I find that every time I work with Gloria, I am able to progress faster, deeper and in delightfully unexpected ways.
This last session accelerated my engagement in something I have dreamed of doing for a very long time - to write a book of poems around consciousness in the workplace. After thinking about this for years, and been put off by needing to invest enormous amounts of time, energy and effort in what I saw as a gargantuan effort, not only in writing, but also appealing to publishers, I had given up and had not thought about this for over five years.
Each time I have worked with Gloria, something magical happens afterwards. After my recent Quantum Healing session, my daughter (who did not know about my dream) forwarded me a link to follow, to get a book of poems published professionally. I created the content for a book in six days. The process, from start to finish is taking less than 3 months!
This last session accelerated my engagement in something I have dreamed of doing for a very long time - to write a book of poems around consciousness in the workplace. After thinking about this for years, and been put off by needing to invest enormous amounts of time, energy and effort in what I saw as a gargantuan effort, not only in writing, but also appealing to publishers, I had given up and had not thought about this for over five years.
Each time I have worked with Gloria, something magical happens afterwards. After my recent Quantum Healing session, my daughter (who did not know about my dream) forwarded me a link to follow, to get a book of poems published professionally. I created the content for a book in six days. The process, from start to finish is taking less than 3 months!
Heartlight Quantum Healing for me is just a name for the transmission of love from the realm of spirit into my mortal consciousness through Gloria's own mediating love. I found the hypnotic experience similar to others I have been through, and had spirit identities from those times appear, but having the direct presence of the guiding hands through Gloria enhanced the depth of meaning coming through the experience.
I was given a symbolic look into "heaven" (not an adequate word) and yet the freedom to choose my proximity to it. In the end I don't think I received total clarity regarding the positive qualities I was after but was given the framework through which I need to keep seeking the answers.
The session travels on within me, has reassured and encouraged me that I am all I need to be and that I can handle the difficulties to come. It was well worth doing.
Love, peace, and thanks,
Andrew Smith
Gloria Grace holds the space for healing work in a supportive, loving and empowering way. Throughout the entire session, I was redirected to connect to my higher wisdom and be guided by that. In my session, I reclaimed lost aspects of myself from long ago.
I released and forgave several generations on my maternal line. I reclaimed qualities and gifts from my grandmothers. This has improved my relationship with my mother greatly.
I experienced Divine Presence and communicated with This. I released much shame and connected to more love.
After my session, I felt blissful. The insights kept unfolding for several days after.
I am very grateful for the opportunity to do this healing work, held and guided by Gloria Grace in such a loving way.
Irene Rose
Counsellor and Psychotherapist
Dear Gloria Grace,
I don't know how I can ever thank you! Our time together was as a true AWAKENING.
The Heartlight Quantum Healing session helped me identify the origins of some unhelpful habits and fears; which through your guidance, I was easily able to release.
I am forever grateful for your wisdom and compassion in helping me uncover positive learnings from my journey with you.
Those learnings align with some of my current life experiences, and will now help to direct my choices moving forward. You are a truly gifted lightworker!!
Blessings always,
I don't know how I can ever thank you! Our time together was as a true AWAKENING.
The Heartlight Quantum Healing session helped me identify the origins of some unhelpful habits and fears; which through your guidance, I was easily able to release.
I am forever grateful for your wisdom and compassion in helping me uncover positive learnings from my journey with you.
Those learnings align with some of my current life experiences, and will now help to direct my choices moving forward. You are a truly gifted lightworker!!
Blessings always,
Michelle J.
M.Ed, Certified Hypnotist
Dear Gloria Grace, Thank you again for our very special session last week. It was a powerful number of hours, where you took me on a journey into my past lives to clear me of things that have limited me. I managed to have powerful shifts in my past and my relationships with my parents. I was pleasantly surprised and enlightened by the journeys back into past lives under hypnosis, and the other techniques you used with me.
I particularly gained some insights about my relationship with my father and my mother when you asked me to reflect on my childhood. At the end, I felt peaceful and my body felt clear and light, something I have not felt for ages. I cannot wait to start decluttering and, in fact, I’ve been able to start quite easily since the session! Thank you, Gloria Grace, your session was amazing. You have a gift from God.
I particularly gained some insights about my relationship with my father and my mother when you asked me to reflect on my childhood. At the end, I felt peaceful and my body felt clear and light, something I have not felt for ages. I cannot wait to start decluttering and, in fact, I’ve been able to start quite easily since the session! Thank you, Gloria Grace, your session was amazing. You have a gift from God.
Judith Field
B.A B.Ed. (Primary and Secondary), Master Practitioner in NLP,Trainer in Public Speaking, Master Tutor in English, Director of Direct Speech
It’s always a bit of a mystery to me how it happens, but Gloria is able to rapidly take me into a deep inner space where I can access whatever insight or guidance that I need to heal myself. The process seems to work by my setting an intention for what I want to happen, and Gloria helping me to connect with my I AM Presence, which is my Higher Self and my Higher Wisdom.
Over the last ten years of working with Gloria, I have been able to heal a number of physical and emotional issues. In some cases, this involved me accessing a past life experience. The experience can be quite brief, but is usually very vibrant, and I completely inhabit that experience and feel as though I am there, looking through the eyes of another self. I experience being in another body, in another time and space, feeling what they feel, just long enough to gain another point of view, or insight that relates to the intention I set before I started the session.
Most recently, I had a past life experience of being in Atlantis as a Master Healer Teacher, in which I gained insight into how to retain all the physical and emotional energy that I need for my busy life (more details are on the Quantum Healing page).
On another occasion, I regressed back to being a star being, which helped me feel connected with the whole universe. I also had the experience of going through an indigenous initiation rite, which was the experience I needed to clear a chronic anxiety problem, and the results were permanent. I have not had that problem again since then.
Gloria has also helped me with Reiki healing (and training) and Adamantine Particle Healing for a specific physical issue which was also cleared permanently. Gloria also provides coaching in Conscious Living using many methods such as the Clarity Process and Radical Forgiveness to name just a few. I highly recommend Gloria as a considerate, compassionate and empowering healer, who enables you to access your inner wisdom and healing power to gain clarity and mastery so that you can live your life more fully, happily and consciously.
Over the last ten years of working with Gloria, I have been able to heal a number of physical and emotional issues. In some cases, this involved me accessing a past life experience. The experience can be quite brief, but is usually very vibrant, and I completely inhabit that experience and feel as though I am there, looking through the eyes of another self. I experience being in another body, in another time and space, feeling what they feel, just long enough to gain another point of view, or insight that relates to the intention I set before I started the session.
Most recently, I had a past life experience of being in Atlantis as a Master Healer Teacher, in which I gained insight into how to retain all the physical and emotional energy that I need for my busy life (more details are on the Quantum Healing page).
On another occasion, I regressed back to being a star being, which helped me feel connected with the whole universe. I also had the experience of going through an indigenous initiation rite, which was the experience I needed to clear a chronic anxiety problem, and the results were permanent. I have not had that problem again since then.
Gloria has also helped me with Reiki healing (and training) and Adamantine Particle Healing for a specific physical issue which was also cleared permanently. Gloria also provides coaching in Conscious Living using many methods such as the Clarity Process and Radical Forgiveness to name just a few. I highly recommend Gloria as a considerate, compassionate and empowering healer, who enables you to access your inner wisdom and healing power to gain clarity and mastery so that you can live your life more fully, happily and consciously.
Geoff Nelson
Dear Gloria Grace,
It is with deepest Gratitude in my Heart that I thank you for taking me on your life changing Heartlight Quantum Healing journey. During this time I connected with my I AM Presence and the Arcturian Beings of Light. It was 'Heaven on Earth' being bathed in the LIGHT as I morphed from a 'pupa' into a 'butterfly'. I had no desire to return, until the mysteries were revealed about the gifts I have to offer, as service to humanity, i.e. my ability to 'Hold the Light' and Heal through the 'Sacred Heart'.
Thank you, thank you, thank you…it brings me great JOY to have confirmation of my Soul’s Purpose and the reason why I have chosen to be here at this time. It is also comforting to know that I have the Love and Support from these beautiful Light Beings.
Since my session I have been shown more gifts that will come through from past lives. Also, I have developed more confidence in speaking up, particularly in groups.
Finally, Gloria Grace, you held me in a 'High Frequency of Light' and guided me with a Compassionate Heart, which, in turn, gave me a window of opportunity to accelerate my spiritual growth.
Therefore, I have no hesitation in recommending you as a Gifted Healer, Spiritual Counsellor and Teacher. At all times I felt safe, heard, nurtured and respected.
Thank you, Gloria, I am Blessed!
It is with deepest Gratitude in my Heart that I thank you for taking me on your life changing Heartlight Quantum Healing journey. During this time I connected with my I AM Presence and the Arcturian Beings of Light. It was 'Heaven on Earth' being bathed in the LIGHT as I morphed from a 'pupa' into a 'butterfly'. I had no desire to return, until the mysteries were revealed about the gifts I have to offer, as service to humanity, i.e. my ability to 'Hold the Light' and Heal through the 'Sacred Heart'.
Thank you, thank you, thank you…it brings me great JOY to have confirmation of my Soul’s Purpose and the reason why I have chosen to be here at this time. It is also comforting to know that I have the Love and Support from these beautiful Light Beings.
Since my session I have been shown more gifts that will come through from past lives. Also, I have developed more confidence in speaking up, particularly in groups.
Finally, Gloria Grace, you held me in a 'High Frequency of Light' and guided me with a Compassionate Heart, which, in turn, gave me a window of opportunity to accelerate my spiritual growth.
Therefore, I have no hesitation in recommending you as a Gifted Healer, Spiritual Counsellor and Teacher. At all times I felt safe, heard, nurtured and respected.
Thank you, Gloria, I am Blessed!
Leilani Barker
Divine Healing Hands Healer, Reiki Master, Huna Healer, NLP/Time Line Therapist, Full Sensory Awareness Healer, Myotherapist
Dear Gloria,
You created the space. You helped me to feel safe to take the journey. You led me down the path and into my past. For the first time in my life I was able to see into, and experience, in full visualisation, my past life as a teacher of Yeshua ben Joseph in his adolescence and to accompany him as a translator in his travels to Egypt, India and the Himalayas.
I spoke many languages. My name was Enmet which was bestowed on me as an endearing nickname in Egypt. My birth name was Joseph.
I was a spiritual teacher of many young adolescents, preparing them for their sacred rites into Essene adulthood. I was well respected. I was there when Yeshua was placed on the cross. I was so devastated by the crucifixion and my feelings of helplessness at being unable to prevent this terrible tragedy, it affected my will to live and I wandered like a lost soul until I passed over only a few years later.
This has carried over into my current lifetime where I struggle to step up to the plate and hide behind the crowd and has prevented me from stepping into my power. Ironically, I came to you, Gloria, with questions about lack of focus and discipline, and my inability to be self-reflective.
I have since noticed positive changes happening. I am more focused. I am able to sort out issues more quickly and confidently. I am more disciplined in doing my meditation regularly, every day with meaningful visions.
At all times I felt safe, supported and protected.
Gloria is articulate, genuine, warm, comforting, and most of all, effective in bringing those hidden morsels that lie deep within our psyches, direct to the surface to be dealt with safely and fearlessly.
Many Blessings,
You created the space. You helped me to feel safe to take the journey. You led me down the path and into my past. For the first time in my life I was able to see into, and experience, in full visualisation, my past life as a teacher of Yeshua ben Joseph in his adolescence and to accompany him as a translator in his travels to Egypt, India and the Himalayas.
I spoke many languages. My name was Enmet which was bestowed on me as an endearing nickname in Egypt. My birth name was Joseph.
I was a spiritual teacher of many young adolescents, preparing them for their sacred rites into Essene adulthood. I was well respected. I was there when Yeshua was placed on the cross. I was so devastated by the crucifixion and my feelings of helplessness at being unable to prevent this terrible tragedy, it affected my will to live and I wandered like a lost soul until I passed over only a few years later.
This has carried over into my current lifetime where I struggle to step up to the plate and hide behind the crowd and has prevented me from stepping into my power. Ironically, I came to you, Gloria, with questions about lack of focus and discipline, and my inability to be self-reflective.
I have since noticed positive changes happening. I am more focused. I am able to sort out issues more quickly and confidently. I am more disciplined in doing my meditation regularly, every day with meaningful visions.
At all times I felt safe, supported and protected.
Gloria is articulate, genuine, warm, comforting, and most of all, effective in bringing those hidden morsels that lie deep within our psyches, direct to the surface to be dealt with safely and fearlessly.
Many Blessings,
Robbie Barker
Soul Healer/Teacher Healer, NLP Practitioner, Timeline Therapist, Bowen Therapist, Shiatsu Therapist, Touch for Health 1, 2, & 3, Sensitive Massage, Gem Essence Healer
Thank you, Gloria, for your generous time to delve deeply and provide insights to questions about my relationships, health, career and life purpose. While I have been doing inner work for over 10 years with different practitioners, our session together in Quantum Healing confirmed and helped steer me in the next step of my career and life purpose.
This was my first time in hypnotherapy and I was very open to experiencing the possibilities and seeing what enlightened messages could come through. The goosebumps and tingles that we both received during our session was magical and a great confirmation especially on receiving the message about my life purpose, including the name of Elizabeth Kubler - Ross.
The strong visions and symbols that came through during hypnotherapy were so significant. When the message of "Zurich" came through and I couldn't shake it off, it made me curious to find out more about Kubler - Ross and saw that she was from Zurich. It was then I understood the connection. I even went out to get her book to know more about her work. That was so helpful and it sure piqued my interest in her line of work.
Another wonderful gift during our session was setting an empowering intention that I fully resonate with and am able to use for my daily practice. What was interesting and beautiful about the whole experience was that the work was powerful yet the outcome was simple.
Thank you once again for this wonderful experience.
Blessings of love and light,
This was my first time in hypnotherapy and I was very open to experiencing the possibilities and seeing what enlightened messages could come through. The goosebumps and tingles that we both received during our session was magical and a great confirmation especially on receiving the message about my life purpose, including the name of Elizabeth Kubler - Ross.
The strong visions and symbols that came through during hypnotherapy were so significant. When the message of "Zurich" came through and I couldn't shake it off, it made me curious to find out more about Kubler - Ross and saw that she was from Zurich. It was then I understood the connection. I even went out to get her book to know more about her work. That was so helpful and it sure piqued my interest in her line of work.
Another wonderful gift during our session was setting an empowering intention that I fully resonate with and am able to use for my daily practice. What was interesting and beautiful about the whole experience was that the work was powerful yet the outcome was simple.
Thank you once again for this wonderful experience.
Blessings of love and light,
Eke Sumber
I have been struggling with depression for most of my life and my healing session with Gloria came at exactly the right time in my life when I really needed a miracle. It was truly in Divine timing. Due to the fact that I live alone and I’ve been in lockdown for many months, I’ve never felt so low, disconnected and hopeless about the future. Isolation and living alone is a very tough combination for people who struggle with mental health. My session with Gloria helped shift this.
The miracle which occurred during my session was that I was able to truly connect with my I AM Presence in a way that I never had before. This was the miracle that helped pull me out of the depths of depression I’ve been stuck in for the past two years especially. Gloria’s ability to hold a light-filled space for her clients is truly unique and special.
I have been on the spiritual path for the past 25 years and I’ve always known about my I AM Presence and the importance of connecting with God in my meditations. I’ve known this intellectually and I’ve connected briefly during group meditations over the years, but the feeling of being connected to my I AM Presence has never been a feeling I’ve been able to sustain or feel motivated to keep trying to connect to outside my group meditations or private sessions.
But working with Gloria during my Quantum Healing session I feel I understood what it means to ‘connect with spirit’. I could feel the connection to my I Am Presence in a way that was tangible during the session and I felt like something ‘clicked’ inside my heart and soul. Most importantly, I had a personal realization that in order to drastically improve my mental health in the coming weeks and months, the only way forward was to focus my energies on my I AM Presence.
During my session with Gloria, I generally felt a sense of inner peace, connectivity, love and oneness that can only be achieved during a deep moment of connection. I give credit to Gloria for the light she shines upon her sessions to hold the space for miracles like this to happen.
Directly after my Quantum Healing, unlike other meditations, I was able to still feel this strong sense of connection to my I AM Presence. Very rarely have I been able to continue this feeling after sessions. This was a first for me and this has made all the difference moving forward in my personal growth and spiritual journey.
Now two weeks after my healing session I still feel a deep sense of knowingness that my life is meant to be in Oneness with my I AM Presence.
I have deep gratitude for Gloria’s powerful healing energy which helps others to invoke the light within themselves.
The miracle which occurred during my session was that I was able to truly connect with my I AM Presence in a way that I never had before. This was the miracle that helped pull me out of the depths of depression I’ve been stuck in for the past two years especially. Gloria’s ability to hold a light-filled space for her clients is truly unique and special.
I have been on the spiritual path for the past 25 years and I’ve always known about my I AM Presence and the importance of connecting with God in my meditations. I’ve known this intellectually and I’ve connected briefly during group meditations over the years, but the feeling of being connected to my I AM Presence has never been a feeling I’ve been able to sustain or feel motivated to keep trying to connect to outside my group meditations or private sessions.
But working with Gloria during my Quantum Healing session I feel I understood what it means to ‘connect with spirit’. I could feel the connection to my I Am Presence in a way that was tangible during the session and I felt like something ‘clicked’ inside my heart and soul. Most importantly, I had a personal realization that in order to drastically improve my mental health in the coming weeks and months, the only way forward was to focus my energies on my I AM Presence.
During my session with Gloria, I generally felt a sense of inner peace, connectivity, love and oneness that can only be achieved during a deep moment of connection. I give credit to Gloria for the light she shines upon her sessions to hold the space for miracles like this to happen.
Directly after my Quantum Healing, unlike other meditations, I was able to still feel this strong sense of connection to my I AM Presence. Very rarely have I been able to continue this feeling after sessions. This was a first for me and this has made all the difference moving forward in my personal growth and spiritual journey.
Now two weeks after my healing session I still feel a deep sense of knowingness that my life is meant to be in Oneness with my I AM Presence.
I have deep gratitude for Gloria’s powerful healing energy which helps others to invoke the light within themselves.